Strategic Marketing Coach (UK)

Is It Time to Hire a Strategic Marketing Coach? 3 Questions to Ask Yourself

September 19, 2023 | by Jonathan Jensen


Every entrepreneur, at some point in their journey, will hit a plateau. It’s that stage where despite all efforts, progress seems slow or stagnant. This can be especially true in the realm of marketing, where the landscape is ever-evolving. If you’re at this juncture, considering the guidance of a strategic marketing coach might be your next best step. Before you proceed, however, there are three critical questions to ponder.

1. What are my goals and ambitions?

Every business endeavour starts with a vision. What’s yours? To ascertain if a strategic marketing coach is right for you, it’s essential to crystalize your objectives first.

  • Brand Visibility: If your primary concern is building brand recognition and ensuring that your product or service is known to your target audience, you might need strategies that focus on brand exposure and reach.
  • Driving Traffic: Perhaps you’re seeing dwindling numbers on your website or platform. Strategies to drive and sustain online traffic can be complex and multifaceted.
  • Sales Uplift: If conversions and bottom-line sales are your primary focus, then your coaching needs will be geared towards sales funnel optimization and consumer behavior insights.

Having a sharp clarity on your goals not only helps you choose the right coach but also ensures that your collaborative efforts are directed effectively.

2. Am I ready to be coached?

The bond between a coach and a client is sacred. It’s a two-way street where the client’s receptiveness plays a pivotal role.

  • Openness to Feedback: A coach will undoubtedly offer new perspectives, some of which might challenge your existing beliefs or strategies. Embracing these insights, even if they seem contrary to your intuition, is part of the growth process.
  • Commitment to Action: Coaching isn’t just about absorbing information; it’s about application. Are you ready to roll up your sleeves, experiment with new strategies, and invest genuine effort?
  • Time Dedication: Like any relationship, the one with your coach demands time. Regular sessions, follow-ups, and implementing strategies can be time-consuming. Are you ready to prioritize this?

3. Why now and not later?

There’s no “perfect” time, but there are optimal moments. Reflect on why you’re considering a coach at this specific juncture.

  • Business Milestones: Are you nearing a product launch, entering a new market, or scaling your business? These transitions often warrant expert guidance.
  • Personal Growth: Sometimes, the push isn’t external. It’s an internal desire to upskill, learn, and become a more astute marketer.
  • Market Dynamics: Rapid changes in the marketing landscape, like algorithm updates or new platforms, can sometimes necessitate expert navigation.

Understanding the ‘why’ behind your timing can be the difference between a beneficial coaching experience and a futile one.


The journey to success is rarely a straight line. The bends and turns can be challenging, but they’re also opportunities for growth and reflection. As you contemplate the decision to hire a strategic marketing coach, remember that it’s about partnership and progress. By addressing these questions, you’re not just ensuring you’re ready for a coach, but also that the coach is the right fit for you. It’s a decision that can transform your business trajectory, so give it the thought and introspection it deserves.


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